Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What inspires courage?

This blog insert will discuss what specifically inspire's courage. Courage is inspired by many different elements of life to me. Those elements include the inspiration by your family and friends. Your pride is always counted as one of the reasons why courage becomes inspired. I without a doubt think helping others is an inspiration of courage. When you wanna better yourself, you are for sure enhanced with courage. Courage to me comes from your inner mentality telling you that you have to overcome something or a challenge a certain situation. There are so many different ways of showing your inspirations of courage. I feel courage is a goal that is wanted to be reached by everyone some point in time of their lives. Example, Everyone has a particular fear that they have. Knowing that fear will potentially bother you for the rest of your life. Sooner than later, you will have intentions of overcoming that fear you have had for so long. When this thought or idea goes through your head, at that moment immediately is when courage takes place. Courage in my personal opinion is when you are not afraid to take chances. Courage to me is when you are doing something with faith. With courage you are willing to do what ever sometimes in order to prove a point. Courage is definitely a feeling or expression I would say. That expression or feeling can overcome your current mindstate of that moment. Courage has the effect of making you overcome any obstacle that may be in your way. For myself specifically I have had many challenges within my sixteen years of living that i have had to have courage for. One of those challenges are riding a bike, I have always had the fear of riding a bike. It was apporxiamately four years ago when I decided to learn how to ride a bike. At that moment is when I realized I was going to have to showcase myslef being brave and becoming confident in riding my bike. That is just one of the many situations of courage playing a major role in my lifetime.Courage is not about how you do something you are some what nervous about or scared of; but it is about just doing it. Getting all of your worries and troubles out of the way and having the say so in a situation stating that you overcame your challenge.

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