Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dreams and Hopes

The five hundred word blog will be mainly focused on what I would like to do with my future. The future is very much near and I'm now preparing myself for it by following all steps I need to in order to be successful. I've recently realized that everything we do during our time of youth is so key to how our future will be determined. I truly believe you must follow in order to lead in this world. I'm currently working on raising my grades so I could potentially recieve a scholarship to an amazing college after high school. My freshman year of high school was very successful in the beginning but, later took a slight turn when my focused was lost. I eventually had to take place in school during my summer to make that lost focus up. I was highly disappointed but that taught me a lesson to never slip whenever I'm on top of my game with school. Don't ever take help that is given to you for granted either, I believe I did unfortunately with tutoring and such. The following year which is my sophmore year, I started off a little rocky and off task. Which is the complete opposite of last year, I felt as if I was trying my best but my best but my best just was not good enough. So, as of now or recently as you might say I believe I have bettered myself not just with grades but as a person also. I'm truly a better person now and I do feel satisfied with my grades although, I will better them a lot more. Everyone has dreams and you must be confident in whatever it is, you want to do. Strive for the best and always try to reach the best of your abilities at all times. I hear you get better with time a lot from many people but I believe you should better yourself no matter how great you are at whatever you love to do. I have major plans, hopes, or dreams if that's what you would like to call it. One of my dreams is to finish college in less than five years. I specifically would like to finish college in less than five years because I admit to wanting to be a showcase product of how you can be young and highly successful. Honestly I truly believe I will make this dream happen but I do have a plan or plans of how I will make this happen certainly. I will have to definitely continue to do exceptionally well in high school so I can possibly recieve early emissions or a scholarship. Then I will have to do well in college so I can be finish with my education completely. My other dream that I have is to own many businesses all through the states. The types of business that I would love to have is A clothing store for not only the male population but as well as the females. I know I have to learn about business as well as taking up business courses in college.

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