Saturday, April 25, 2009

Response to "Sympathy"

I believe this poem relates alot to freedom because of how much discription they give about being set free. I think this could relate to a situation when you feel like, there's no way out. Its also summarizing the way we as people can feel the same emotions as another species. This poem projects the pain and suffering of those who can't free themselves. The poem could also translate the feeling of doing the same thing over and over. Such as someone having to wake up, go to work everyday and just come home. Its the same thing everyday of your life and you could get pretty tired of that. You would want something new to do everyday. The same routine makes you feel obligated to dedicating your life to making another person's life better at your exspense. So, this poem definitely exposes the way many us feel. Some of us have problems with our parents having a hard time letting go as we get older, so you feel trapped in the same place as you were. For the most part this poem to me surrounds the relation of feeling helpless when we can't be free.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Reflection on "Somebody Should Have Taught Him"

My reflection on this poem is that this a poem of heartache and reality. There are alot of teens as well as young adults who should really read this poem. This poem is a reality check for many people who drink & drive consistantly. Drinking under the influence is a serious case of being irresponsible & not doing what is right. Many people have a problem with saying no to a drink or to driving while drunk;but the both do not mix very well. They cause nothing but destruction & chaos, your life is in jeoparady every single time you commit a DWI situation. I feel extremely bad for the girl in this poem as well as her family who will never get the chance to see her again. She was very wise about not drinking any achol,anything could have happened for example rape. The whole time her thoughts were very negative only because she had a sense that the moment at hand would be her last moments being alive. The main thing I learned from this poem is how to stay away from people who drink while driving & how not to do the same if I was in a similar situation.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Had Juliet been older, do you think she would have done the same things she did in the play?

If Juliet was older I think she would not do everything that she did in the play. I believe that because she would be able to do what she wants & believe in on her own terms. She could have married Romeo without worrying about what her family would think or say,as well as his family...

Could the same thing happen to two teenagers today?.

The same situation between Romeo & Juliet can defintely happen. Heartbreaks happen all the time. So does love,as teenagers you can fall deep for someone who might not feel the same way about you. For example, Romeo wanted to marry Juliet but she did not want to. That goes to show you the person you are with may not feel the same about you the way you feel about them.