Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Aboy who wont stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up to anything".

I believe this quote means as a young man you are learning how to stand up and speak for yourself. During your years of growing up your taught to have self confidence. without that self confidence you are helpless & can be defeated in any obstacle or task. In my opinion you can't make it in this world with lack of hope & a non-determined mind state. With that being said it is good to love yourself & take pride in anything you believe in. There are many great men who's only way to become a great man had to look at themselves as kings. Dignity is important also,ones dignity is very important in the mind. I have a mind set of allegiance,i am very dedicated to anything i want or have to accomplished. Me as a young man today i believe i have the ability to show & prove in every aspect of life.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Quote of the day.!

"Afghans abhor customs but cherish rules"

I think "Afghans cherish custom but abhor rules" means they are well indepent but, don't follow or apply with the rules. They are intune with themselves and believe in their opinions strongly. They dont like being pushed or forced to do something against